Monday, August 10, 2009

Sewing for Ethiopia

Just over 7 years ago, a few weeks after we got married, Kenny and I began to talk about adoption. We went to the DFACS office in the small Colorado town where we lived to think about foster care/ adoption through the state. We were 20, and needed to be 25 to we waited! Three kids and 7 years later, we are once again diving in, this time through internation adoption. Since learning about the orphan crisis in Ethiopia, our hearts are pulled to the children of that country! We have been pre-approved to adopt through All God's Children Internation (based in Portland, Oregan) and are beginning the long process. Along with a lot of paperwork, about $22,000 stands between us and a little one! So... the fundraising begin! Among other things, I will be sewing... a bunch! Please pray for us as we start this journey!

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