Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our First Homestudy!

It has been almost 8 years since we decided to adopt, 2 years since we were old enough to adopt, six months since Samuel was old enough for us to adopt, 6 months since we sent in our application to adopt from Ethiopia with AGCI, 5 weeks since the Lord closed the doors for us to adopt from ET, 4 weeks since He opened wide the doors for us to adopt domestically, 2 weeks since we officially started the domestic process...... and last week...
We had our first homestudy interview!
I was nervous, excited, anxious, excited, eager to start, excited..... so ready to complete this process! The interview was great. We basically just sat in Connie's office and chatted for about 2 hours. I think it was especially good for Kenny to get to ask questions and be a part of everything, since typically I do a lot of the reading, research, etc and "report" back to him. Each time we meet with Covenant Care, I am blown away by not only their love and care for birthmothers, but also the sacrificial love that birthmothers have for their child. After meeting with Connie, I am also no longer too concerned about the home visit....actually, I can't wait for her to come out and see our home! I now realize that a home that is small and not fancy will not keep one from becoming homestudy approved. Yes, the house must be a safe environment, but our marriage and family structure is what's most important. The only bum thing about our first homestudy, is that the soonest date Kenny and Connie could work out for the second interview is not until March 19th....almost a month away. Torture! Once that interview is complete, Connie will come to the house and meet the kids, (heaven help us as to what they may do or say while she is here!) we will give her our birthmother letter and family profile....and then.....the wait begins. It is soo difficult to guess at a time frame for a domestic adoption, it has been, is and will be a learning time for me in trusting the Lord and in patience. When the wait is over, no matter how long or short that wait proves to be, the Lord will place in our family a little one He has know since the foundations of the World, a little one He knit together and choose to place in our family. Oh, my heart hurts to see who this little child will be!!
Me and our caseworker, Connie, whom we love!


  1. That is wonderful. Step by step... It won't be long before God will place your sweet baby in your arms.

  2. Boo to waiting a month, but YEAH for people who are wonderful to work with :)

  3. It's so excited that the process is moving forward!! At least you have a date for the homestudy (though boo to the fact that it's so far away :s). I'm so excited for you that this is all happening! I can't wait to hear more details. (Katie M.)

  4. Hi, just wanted to say hello. we were also waiting to adopt from ethiopia with AGCI, we didnt meet the age requirements until we were waiting & praying. Kristi's post the other day opened our eyes to the need here in the U.S. and just 2 days after reading her post we have chosen our agency, Adoption Associates Inc, and we will be starting our homestudy next week!! We are thrilled! like you said in your comment on her post, with domestic adoption it is harder to have buddies in the process with you...maybe we can keep in touch!

  5. Oh, I am so glad the first visit went well. I recognize Connie from the covenant care meeting we went to a couple of weeks ago. I am thrilled to see your journey to adopt a child domestically! I think we will adopt domestically one day too!

  6. Congratulations! Your journey sounds a lot like ours. Also your comment on kristi's blog echoed many of the same thoughts I have been having regarding domestic vs. int'l adoptions. Looking forward to following your journey!


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