Landis has had a tough day. A tired little boy, in desperate need of a long nap...morphed into quite the hand full by lunchtime. A trashing heap on the floor....he finally calmed, and looked up at my through red, puffy eyes. "Momma." He said, "I feel like I just need to start over again." Oh, the honest plea from his little heart. I know how he feels...I too feel like I just need to start over again.
What a gracious, tender, patient God we serve...who gives us not only the privilege, but the strength itself to "just start over again." And He pleads to us, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28) In Him, in His Word I will find the rest and stillness of heart I so desire.
Life is busy....but I need not fill it up with more. Each day will hold whiny kids, hurts, frustrations, appointments and demands....and that is ok. I do not have to mop after each meal, keep the windows fee of all precious little fingerprints, have the smartest kids on the block or coupon like a pro. I do not need to sell a million dress, read 50 blogs, can 5 bushels of pickles, smock all of Evangeline's clothes or grind every grain of wheat we eat. I must quit doing and start trusting in his grace and His provision. Oh, how my days might look if I rose each morning, lifted my hands to heaven and cried out, "The day is then should I fill it! And may I rest in Your strength and not my own to carry these short hours here on earth out!"
I am thankful for these hard, but good days when the Lord stops me, brings me back and reminds me to slow down and rest in Him. He has placed one wonderful husband and 3 precious children in my care, and He will bring more according to His timing and when He sees fit. Nothing I can do will speed that process up, and Hallelujah that He knows best!
So I will "just start this day over", only not trusting in my own strength, but His grace. I will do the best with the energy, time and ability He gives me, and be content to let the May I sew, but know that He is the great provider, may I cook, but remember that He is the one who nourishes souls, may I clean..yet remember that this world is not my home. May I rest in Him!
My wonderful husband and sweet kids....who are happy to have just me, a not a perfectly clean house!:)